Bad Foods for Diabetics – Drinks and Foods to Avoid If You Have Diabetes

Bad Foods for Diabetics – Drinks and Foods to Avoid If You Have Diabetes

Trying hard to control your blood sugar levels? If yes, then here is a list of bad foods for diabetics. Avoiding these foods and drinks can help you in keeping your blood sugar levels in check. 

Diabetes is a serious chronic disease, and it is one of the serious health concerns. Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to serious consequences like blindness, heart disease, kidney disease, and other health concerns. 

Unfortunately, consuming some foods can increase our insulin and blood sugar levels and promote inflammation, which in turn can increase the risk of diabetes.  

Bad Foods for Diabetics

If you have diabetes, then the most important question is, what is on your plate? A healthy diet for Type 2 diabetes includes veggies, fruits, low-fat dairy, and whole grains. Consuming superfoods for diabetes can help in controlling diabetes.

On the other hand, some foods can increase your risk of diabetes. Below mentioned are some foods to avoid diabetes. 

Sugar-Bombed Beverages

Sugar-sweetened beverages are one of the bad foods for diabetes. The biggest reason behind this is that they are high in carbs. One 12-ounce of cola contains 38.5 grams of carbs (Source). 

Apart from this, sweetened drinks contain fructose. It is strongly associated with diabetes and insulin resistance. Various studies present evidence that sugar-sweetened beverages contribute to increasing the risk of conditions related to diabetes like fatty liver. 

Sugary drinks containing high fructose also cause metabolic changes that lead to belly fat. It also contributes to harmful triglycerides and cholesterol levels. 

In order to control the risk of diabetes, opt for club soda, unsweetened iced tea, or water instead of sugary drinks. 

White Bread, Pasta, and Rice

White bread, rice, and pasta also fall in the list of foods to avoid for type 2 diabetes. Consuming refined-flour foods like bagels and bread is related to an increase in blood sugar levels in people facing type 1 and type 2 diabetes, which makes them bad foods for diabetics.

These processed foods have a small amount of fiber. Fiber leads to slow absorption of sugar in our bloodstream.

Consuming high-fiber foods remarkably lowers the blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes. Increased consumption of fiber also enhances gut microbiota, which enhances insulin resistance. 

To succinctly, opt for high fiber foods as they help in reducing blood sugar response. 

Trans Fats

Artificial trans fats fall into the list of foods diabetics should avoid as they are highly unhealthy. They are made by combining hydrogen to unsaturated fatty acids in order to make them stable. 

Trans fats are present in spreads, creamers, frozen foods, and peanut butter. Many food manufacturers add trans fat to baked goods in order to extend the shelf life of products. 

Trans fats do not raise the blood sugar levels directly, but they are associated with increased inflammation, belly fat, lower levels of good cholesterol, and insulin resistance. 

Make sure to check the ingredient list before buying any product. If it mentions “partially hydrogenated,” then say no to that product. 

Flavored Yogurt

Plain yogurt is a good choice for diabetic patients. Nevertheless, flavored yogurts are not the right choice. Flavored yogurts are made using low fat or nonfat milk. Moreover, they contain higher amounts of sugar and carbs. A serving of One-cup (245g) fruit-flavored yogurt contains around 31 grams of sugar (Source).  

Instead of consuming high-fat flavored yogurts, opt for plain yogurt. Whole milk yogurts do not contain sugar and are beneficial for weight control, appetite, and gut health. 

In short, fruit-flavored yogurts are high in sugar, which leads to an increase in insulin and sugar levels. Plain yogurt is an amazing choice for controlling diabetes and managing good health. 

Flavored Coffee Drinks

Coffee is associated with a wide range of health benefits, and one such potential benefit is a lower risk of diabetes. Nevertheless, the case is not the same for flavored coffee drinks. They are not healthy beverages.

Certain studies present evidence that our brian process solid foods and liquid foods in different ways. When we drink calories, we do not compensate for the number of calories by eating less later, which in turn leads to weight gain (Source). In addition to this, flavored coffee drinks are also high in carbs. 

In order to control the blood sugar levels and avoid weight gain, it’s better to opt for plain coffee. You can also choose espresso containing a tablespoon of heavy cream.

Sweetened Breakfast Cereals

Most of us start our day by eating cereal. But if you have diabetes, then trust me, it is the worst way to start the day. 

You might find various health claims on the boxes of cereals, but the reality is that most of the cereals are highly processed. Moreover, they contain high amounts of carbs. 

In fact, some healthy breakfast cereals are not healthy for people with diabetes, which makes them bad food for diabetics. 

In order to control the hunger and blood sugar levels opt for a protein-based low carb breakfast instead of cereals. Trust me; low carb breakfast is the best choice for diabetes as well as appetite control. 

Dried Fruit

Fruits are loaded with various essential vitamins and minerals, including potassium and vitamin C. Moreover, they are also loaded with water, which makes them hydrating. 

When the fruits are dried, the process leads to a loss in water and increases nutrients’ concentration. But the bad thing is that it also increases the concentration of sugar. 

One cup (151 grams) serving of grapes contains 1.4 grams fiber and 27.3 grams of carbs (Source). On the other hand, one cup (145 grams) of raising contains 5.4 grams of fiber and 115 grams of carbs (Source). In a similar manner, other dried fruits are also high in carbs. 

If you have diabetes, there is no need to give up on fruits completely. You can opt for low-sugar fruits like small apples. Fresh berries. They provide a wide range of health benefits and also help in keeping the blood sugar levels in control.  

Agave Nectar, Honey, and Maple Syrup

Individuals with diabetes often ignore white table sugar and foods like pie, candy, and cookies. Nevertheless, other types of sugar can also lead to an increase in blood sugar levels. These sugars include brown sugar and the ones present in maple syrup, honey, and agave nectar. Be

These sweeteners are not highly processed, but they contain the same amount of carbs as white sugar. The best strategy is to avoid all the types of sugar and opt for natural low carb sweeteners. 

In short, natural sweeteners are not highly processed, but they develop a negative impact on blood sugar, inflammatory markers, and insulin. 

Packaged Snack Foods

Packaged snack foods like crackers and pretzels are not good snack options. They are made with refined flour and provide fewer nutrients. They have a wide range of fast-digesting carbs, which can rapidly increase blood sugar levels. 

In fact, many packaged foods contain more carbs than stated on their labels. If you feel hungry between meals, then opt for nuts or low-carb vegetables and say no packaged snacks. 

Fried and Breaded Foods

Fried foods are breaded and contain a wide range of unhealthy fats, calories, and carbohydrate, which makes them bad foods for diabetics. Including too much fat in the diet can cause weight gain, which can worsen the issue of type 2 diabetes. 

Weight gain also leads to the risk of heart disease, and this issue is already elevated in individuals with diabetes. Fried foods like french fries, chicken nuggets, shrimp, and onion rings are a bad choice for people with diabetes. Try to bake or roast these foods without using breadcrumbs. If a bread coating is a must for you, then coat them using whole-grain crumbs and bake these foods instead of frying them. 

French Fries

If you have diabetes, then french fries are a big no. Potatoes are high in carbs. One medium potato is loaded with 34.8 grams of carbs and 1.4 grams of fiber (Source). Nevertheless, when they are fried in vegetable oil, they do a lot more than spiking your blood sugar levels.

Deep-frying foods can lead to the production of higher amounts of toxic compounds like advanced glycation end products (AGEs). These compounds lead to an increase in inflammation and the risk of various diseases (Source). 

French fries are high in carbs and lead to an increase in blood sugar levels. Moreover, they are fried in unhealthy oils, which increases the risk of cancer and heart diseases. 

Fruit Juice

Fruit juices are considered healthy, but their impact on blood sugar is similar to that of sugary drinks and sodas. The case is the same with unsweetened fruit juices also as well as the ones that are loaded with added sugars. In fact, in certain cases, fruit juices contain higher amounts of carbs and sugars as compared to soda. 

Moreover, like sugar-sweetened beverages, fruit juices also contain fructose, which drives obesity, heart disease, and insulin resistance. 

Instead of fruit juices, opt for water with a small amount of lemon. It contains fewer amount of carbs, and the best thing is that it is virtually calorie-free. 

Fatty Cuts of Meats

In many cases, the cuts of red meat are loaded with unhealthy saturated fats. This type of fat increases the risk of heart disease. People with diabetes are already at higher risk for heart disease, so they should limit the consumption of fatty cuts of meat. 

Diabetic patients should opt for foods with healthy fats like avocado, nuts, fish, and lean proteins like tofu and skinless chicken. 

The list of fatty meat includes ground meat with a higher percentage of fat, poultry with skin, and processed meats like bacon and sausage.  

Regular Soda 

Sparkling water and regular soda is a big no for diabetic patients. The fall in the list of foods that diabetics should avoid. 

One ounce of soda can contain 39 grams of carbohydrates, which is equal to nine teaspoons of sugar (Source). This much amount of sugar not only increases your blood sugar levels but is also harmful to the gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidney, and immune system. Instead of regular soda, it is better to opt for sparkling water with a slice of cucumber, lemon, or lime. 

Processed Sweets

Baked goods like doughnuts, cookies, and cakes are loaded with refined carbs, which lead to a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. The processed sweets can also cause weight gain when consumed in excess amounts. Therefore, they count as bad foods for diabetics.

They also contain unhealthy trans fats, which also increases the risk of heart disease. You should limit your consumption of sugar-sweetened treats and opt for whole-grain versions. 

Importance of Controlling Carb Intake for People with Diabetes

If you have diabetes, it is essential to manage carb intake. Protein, carbs, and fat are the macronutrients they provide energy to our body. 

Carbs develop a remarkable effect on the sugar levels in our blood. It is due to the reason that they break down in glucose or sugar and then get absorbed in our bloodstream. The list of carbs includes sugar, fiber, and starches. 

On the other hand, fiber is not digested; instead, it gets absorbed by our body, so it does not lead to an increase in our blood sugar levels.

People with diabetes should avoid too many carbs as they can increase the blood sugar level to dangerously high levels. 

Over time, high levels of carbs can also damage blood vessels and nerves in our body, leading to kidney disease, heart disease, and other serious health issues. 

Therefore, it is essential to avoid the consumption of the above mentioned bad foods for diabetes. 

Final Words

Having an idea about bad foods for diabetes is the best way to manage blood sugar levels. You should make efforts to stay away from processed grains, liquid sugars, unhealthy fats, and other foods loaded with refined carbs. 

You should avoid foods that drive insulin resistance and increase blood sugar levels. It can help you in reducing the risk of diabetes complications and staying healthy. If you find the information helpful, drop a comment. 


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