Yoga for Diabetes – Poses to Try, Benefits, And More

Yoga for Diabetes – Poses to Try, Benefits, And More

Yoga is one of the best alternative ways to control Diabetes, along with the medication. It has proven to be beneficial in many researches to be effective in the various health conditions, including Diabetes. Yoga for Diabetes is something you can try to avoid, and the recovery of people with this health condition.

In the article, we have listed some of the best yoga poses that you can try for Diabetes. We have also explained how it works and how it is beneficial for people with Diabetes. 

Benefits Of Yoga For Diabetes

Many experts recommend yoga for Diabetes as it helps in reducing the blood sugar levels and blood pressure. Yoga has also proven to be effective in improving a person’s blood circulation.

These health effects of yoga make it great for people with Diabetes and not only a mind relaxing method. Experts also recommend yoga as a regular practice of yoga can also help in reducing the risk of other health issues like heart disease. 

Some of the Yoga poses for Diabetes are:

Legs-Up-The-Wall pose

legs up the wall pose yoga for diabetes

It is a therapeutic yoga for Diabetes for people who are suffering from Diabetes. The restorative inversion of this yoga pose allows for relaxation of body and mind. The relaxing effects of this yoga are a great help for people with Diabetes as it helps with reducing the blood pressure levels of a person.

This yoga, along with relaxing the body, also helps in reducing the blood sugar levels of a person. Other benefits of this yoga include relief in headaches and an increase in blood circulation.

You can also try this yoga if you have low energy levels as it helps in boosting energy.

Reclining Bound Angle Pose

 Reclining Bound Angle Pose Yoga for diabetes

This yoga is great for people with Diabetes as it helps in calming a person’s nervous system. It is a restorative yoga which, along with reducing blood sugar levels, helps in calming the nervous system. This also helps in lowering the stress levels in a person. 

Lower stress levels, in turn, help a person reduce the blood sugar levels and blood pressure. 

This yoga is also helpful in other health issues as it stimulates the kidney, bladder, and other abdominal organs. 

Seated Forward Bend Pose Yoga For Diabetes

Seated Forward Bend Pose

This yoga, along with being a great yoga for Diabetes, is also good for weight loss. It is a type of therapeutic yoga that is great for lowering blood pressure. Some other health benefits of this yoga include relief in headaches and fatigue.

This yoga is also a good option for people with anxiety as it helps in relieving anxiety. All these qualities of this pose make it a great yoga for Diabetes to try.

Supported Shoulderstand

supported Shoulderstand pose yoga for diabetes

This yoga, as we have explained in our article, yoga for thyroid, helps in stimulating the thyroid gland. The inversion in this yoga for Diabetes pose helps in improving the blood circulation in the thyroid gland, which helps in its proper function and, in turn, with Diabetes. 

This yoga also helps a person to relieve stress and calm the mind, which helps in reducing blood pressure.

Plow Pose Yoga For Diabetes

Plow pose

This yoga for Diabetes is a great pose with a multitude of good effects. This yoga is not only good for Diabetes as it helps in blood circulation and lowering the stress levels but also great for the thyroid.

If a person regularly does this yoga, its therapeutic effects can help in relieving insomnia and headaches. This yoga is also helpful in backaches.

Upward-Facing Dog Yoga For Diabetes

Upward-Facing Dog Yoga For Diabetes

This yoga pose is great for the overall health of a person. One thing which you will need is great muscular strength to do this yoga pose properly. This yoga pose helps in improving the blood circulation and reducing the blood pressure in a person.

It is also helpful in weight loss as it stimulates the abdominal organs and muscles.

Bow Pose Yoga

Bow Pose

The bow yoga poses for Diabetes, along with helping in Diabetes by reducing the blood sugar levels, also have many other health benefits. This pose stimulates the abdominal area and opens up the chest of the person. 

The abdominal stimulation and chest opening helps in relieving constipation as well as in respiratory disease. 

Half Lord Of The Fishes Yoga For Diabetes

Half Lord Of The Fishes Yoga For Diabetes

This yoga for Diabetes is a great option for various health ailments, including Diabetes. The twisting of the body in this pose helps in stimulating the abdominal organs, which in turn helps in reducing the blood sugar levels in a person.

This yoga is also an excellent way to boost the energy levels of a person and improve digestion. The effects on the digestive system from this yoga make it a good supplementary way to improve people’s condition with digestion problems. 

Supine Spinal Twist Yoga

Supine Spinal Twist Yoga

This yoga pose is one of the best yoga for Diabetes, which you can try. It, along with reducing the blood sugar levels by stimulating the abdominal organs, also helps in various other health problems. 

This is a restorative twisting yoga pose, which also helps in relieving the stiffness of a person’s spine, hips, and back. Some major muscles which are directly worked by this yoga pose are, erector spinae, trapezius, rectus abdominis, and pectoralis major. 

Child’s Pose Yoga For Diabetes

child's pose yoga for diabetes

This is another excellent yoga for Diabetes as it directly affects insulin production. The resting yoga encourages relaxation in a person, which can help in stimulating the body to produce more insulin-producing beta cells. 

This yoga pose also has other health benefits like relieving fatigue, neck pain, and stress in a person.

Some of the major muscles worked in this yoga pose include, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, rotator muscle, and spinal extensors. The working of all these muscles in this yoga pose makes it an excellent yoga for a person’s overall health. 

Tips :

These are some of the yoga poses which you can try to help you fight and avoid the chances of Diabetes. But, like any other exercise, they also come with some precautions and advice which you should follow. 

Start Slowly

Yoga is not a medication, and it takes time for it to show effects on your body. So, don’t rush yourself into it; give your body time to adjust and have its effects.

Another thing is to have patience when trying the yoga poses as some are hard than the others. If not done properly, some yoga poses can do more harm than good by causing injuries. 

Consult An Instructor

Yoga poses may look easy, but they need to be perfectly done for them to show the desired results. A professional yoga instructor can help you with this, as in start a person to guide is better than to injure yourself. 

Modify The Poses

Some poses may be great yoga for Diabetes but, still not good for you. When a person with Diabetes begins exercise, it affects the blood sugar levels thus, it is always a good idea to consult a doctor. 

Consulting a doctor prior to starting can help in many ways as Diabetes can also cause many other health problems like neuropathy in feet. These health problems that come with Diabetes can affect a person’s ability to exercise. Thus it is a must to consult your doctor beforehand to avoid any negative effects.

Final Words

These are some of the best yoga poses which you can try to help you with Diabetes. In the article, we have listed the yoga poses based on expert reviews from various institutions. 

The poses of yoga for Diabetes, which we have listed, are not only a great supplementary way to control Diabetes but are also good for other health problems.

You will also find the tips before starting the yoga for Diabetes, which will help you derive a better yoga plan for you. 

Jatin Choudhary

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