Best Foods to Fight Fatigue – Foods to Eat and General Diet Tips

Best Foods to Fight Fatigue – Foods to Eat and General Diet Tips

Low energy is a common issue faced by many people, and older adults are especially vulnerable.

Our body runs off what we feed it, and we start feeling low. There are various causes of fatigue.

So what to do when the energy runs low? Here is an article with a list of the best foods to fight fatigue. 

The moment we feel tired or low, we turn to tea, coffee, or energy drinks in order to boost ourselves up.

Energy bars or caffeinated drinks seem like an easy option when our energy is low. But are these options healthy?

These things might render initial energy, but soon our energy levels drop again, and we end up feeling more tired. 

Our body is what we eat. So if you want to manage your energy levels, you will have to say no to your favorite snacks and make wise food choices. (Source 1)

It will not only boost your energy levels but will also contribute to your overall health. 

Best Foods to Fight Fatigue

What to eat when you feel weak and tired? Right foods can help you in boosting your energy levels when you feel tired and weak.

Diets that contain different types of nutrient-rich foods are best to reduce fatigue. 

In general, foods that are fresh and not highly processed are best to boost energy. Below mentioned are some examples. 


The best thing about eggs is that they contain healthy fats and high-quality protein, and this combination offers sustained energy throughout the day.

Eggs are loaded with different types of vitamins and minerals like choline, iron, vitamin B-12, and vitamin D. 

Always keep in mind to eat the whole egg. The yolk is highly nutritious, and it contains a major part of the vitamins and minerals present in the egg. Moreover, it contains a good amount of protein. (2)


Almonds are loaded with high-quality protein, healthy monounsaturated fats, and fiber.

They are loaded with vitamin B, which helps our body to convert food into energy.

Almonds are loaded with magnesium, which is highly beneficial to fight muscle fatigue.

You can add almonds to your morning breakfast, or you can also keep almonds in your bag and consume them as snacks. 


Bananas are the best foods to provide fuel to your body. They are loaded with potassium and contain adequate amounts of fiber.

It slows down the release of sugar in our bloodstream and renders a good vitamin B and magnesium source. 

A ripe banana renders available energy in the form of sugar as compared to unripe bananas.

The bananas you choose should be yellow and not green. In yellow bananas, starch is converted to sugar, which you can properly digest and utilize for energy. (3


Kale is packed with minerals, antioxidants, and essential vitamins that we need to maintain energy.

It is an amazing plant-based source of iron. It carries oxygen to our cells and tissues, which is essential for us to thrive.

Our cells need oxygen to use as energy. 

Kale is also a rich source of folate, calcium, and vitamin B. You can add this veggie to your smoothies or juices. 


Dates are easy to digest, which provides us with an instant energy boost. These also have an amazingly sweet flavor, which is perfect for satisfying our craving for something sweet.

They are loaded with phosphorus, iron, zinc, potassium, and calcium. 

To consume dates, you can add them to your smoothie, fruit plate, or make a yummy snack by dipping dates into almond butter. (4)


Dehydration is one of the major causes of fatigue. Even minor dehydration can make you feel that your energy levels are dropped.

Therefore, it is essential to pack your diets with food that contains a high amount of water. In this regard, watermelon is the best source. 

Watermelon contains 90 percent water and provides a wide range of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals.

It also contains amino acid L-citrulline, which helps in reducing muscle soreness. 

Chia Seeds 

Chia seeds are loaded with nutrients and fiber, which makes them a perfect food to fight fatigue.

Fiber is also beneficial to prevent the spike of blood sugar around mealtimes. Changes in levels of blood sugar can also cause fatigue.

Chia seeds are a great source of energy. They are loaded with minerals, protein, vitamins, fat, antioxidants, and fiber. 


Spinach is loaded with vitamin C, iron, and folate. It is essential to manage an adequate amount of these vitamins and minerals for energy production.

In particular, lower levels of iron can cause fatigue. Spinach is also loaded with magnesium and vitamin K.

You can add spinach and kale to your salads in order to boost your energy levels. 


Oats are loaded with complex carbohydrates and fiber, which makes them the best food to manage energy levels.

Our body can break down refined carbohydrates easily and uses these foods to render energy boost for the short-term.

Sugar is an example of refined carbohydrates.

Nevertheless, it is more difficult for our bodies to break down complex carbohydrates, which makes them a long-lasting energy source. 


Avocados are a rich source of vitamins, healthy fats, and minerals, which provide our body with energy that lasts longer.

Avocados are loaded with fiber, which helps in managing stable levels of blood sugar.

You can add avocados to your breakfast or consume them during the day whenever you feel that your energy levels are dropping. (5)

Dietary Changes to Boost Energy

Making a few dietary changes can also help us in managing our energy levels throughout the day.

It will help in keeping your body fueled. Below mentioned are some dietary changes that you can make to boost energy. 

Consume Unprocessed Foods

You might love fries and cheese burgers, but they have low nutritional value. It does not provide any nutrients to you; instead, it makes you overweight.

Processed foods like boxed meals, canned foods, and pre-cooked meats are loaded with additives, preservatives, trans fat, artificial ingredients, and sodium which slows you down and 

Opt for Seasonal, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

When food is fresh, it contains more nutrients. In processed foods, nutrients are stripped off in order to manage a longer shelf life.

Fresh foods contain higher amounts of nutrients as compared to processed foods. Therefore, you should consume seasonal fruits and vegetables.

They not only help you in managing your energy levels but also provide you with a wide range of nutrients. 

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration is also one of the causes of fatigue. If you are dehydrated, you might experience lower energy levels.

Drinking water is necessary for the appropriate functioning of the body. Though water does not provide calories.

It helps in facilitating the energetic process in our body, which in turn boosts energy.

Sip on water and try to avoid sodas and other drinks. This simple change can make a remarkable difference and will make you feel better. 

Say No to Caffeinated Beverages

What to eat when you feel weak and tired? Caffeinated beverages are definitely not an answer to this question.

Whenever we feel low, we run towards caffeinated drinks, but this is not a solution.

Caffeine might provide a short-term boost, but it does not actually boost your energy. 

Caffeinated drinks might give you a jolt, but if you do not render sufficient nutrition to your body, you will eventually run out of energy.

If you want to drink caffeinated drinks, then opt for unsweetened tea or black coffee. Energy drinks and sodas are a big no in this case. 

Choose Lean Protein

You should opt for leaner meats like fish, turkey, and chicken. They provide quality protein to your body.

But they also contain saturated fats, which is not good for health.

Red meat also adds saturated fat to your diet. You should consume fish like salmon and tuna.

They contain omega-3 fatty acids and heart-healthy fats, which make them a perfect dietary choice. 

Add Complex Carbs and Whole grains to Your Diet

Refined carbohydrates like white flour and sugars add very little nutrition to your diet.

Therefore, it is better to opt for complex carbohydrates and whole-grain foods.

They add fiber to your diet, which helps in managing your energy levels throughout the day. 

Vitamins and Supplements

If you are not getting sufficient nutrients and vitamins from your diet, then you can consider taking vitamins daily.

Consult your nutritionist to get started with a nutritional supplement regimen.

Always reverb to tell your doctor about all the nutritional supplements that you want to consider.

General Diet Tips to Manage Energy Levels

In order to keep your energy levels going throughout the day, it is better to consider some diet-related behaviors.

  • Do not skip meals
  • Stay hydrated with water
  • Stick to recommended calorie intakes
  • Eat morning or afternoon snacks like a handful of almonds in case your energy levels drop. 

Foods and Drinks You Should Avoid

Some drinks and foods contribute to feelings of fatigue. For instance, foods containing high sugar can temporarily boost your energy levels.

But energy drops immediately after. Below mentioned are some foods that you should avoid as they increase fatigue. 

  • White bread
  • Sugary foods
  • High caffeine drinks
  • Baked goods
  • Highly processed foods like potato chips

Also Read: 8 Healthy Foods That Are High In Vitamin C

Final Words

Whenever our body runs out of energy, we run towards caffeinated drinks and energy bars, which is not a good idea.

Instead, we should choose healthy foods to fight fatigue. Foods like avocados, oats, and chia seeds not only help in managing energy levels but also provide nutrition to our body. 

Making certain dietary changes, like adding whole grains and complex carbs to your diet, can also help in managing energy levels throughout the day. If you find the information helpful, drop a comment. 


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