How to Lose Water Weight Safely and Naturally?

How to Lose Water Weight Safely and Naturally?

Our body contains approximately 60% water, which plays a crucial role in all facets of life. However, many people worry about water weight. If you are trying hard to lose weight with diet and exercise, then daily weight fluctuation due to water weight can be frustrating. 

So the question is how to get rid of the water weight? Or how to lose water weight? Here is an article with amazing measures to get rid of water weight. However, before exploring the measure, let’s have a look at what is water weight and what causes water retention.

What is water weight?

Water weight is also known as edema, and it is not a major cause of concern. It is no secret that our body is full of water. 60% of our body is composed of water. However, when it comes to water weight, especially in the context of fitness and dieting, water weight refers to the water stored in the body cells, often joined to glycogen. In other words, any extra water that is held in our body refers to water weight. 

Changes in water levels can make a fluctuation in a person’s weight from 2 to 4 pounds in a single day. Water retention is common, and it goes away with simple changes in lifestyle. 

Weight Fluctuation

What Causes Water Retention?

Water retention is normal in most of the cases. In fact, in people having a body mass index of 40 or more, a weight change of 20 pounds in the course of a day is normal. Nevertheless, there could be medical reasons for water retention. 

Sometimes, heart, liver, or kidney disease can lead to acute water retention; however, usually whet water weight goes away with time and with the help of appropriate changes in lifestyle.

Pregnant women also experience temporary edema. In addition to this, women also experience water weight when they are in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. This water weight is also temporary, and it goes away.

Salt sensitivity in some people is also a cause of water weight. If any person is insulin-resistant, then he or she might experience more fluid retention; however, if people who consume too much salt and are highly sensitive to salt might feel bloated.  

If you feel that your body is actually swollen and it is not just bloated, then you should visit a doctor.

How to Get Rid of Water Weight?

Water retention is a common concern, and you find different methods advertised to get rid of water weight. However, not all those methods are safe and effective. 

Most of the treatments to lose water weight have diuretic properties, which means they help you in getting rid of extra water by increasing the urine volume. When you take a diuretic treatment, you will have to go to the bathroom frequently. 

Now the concern is how to get rid of water weight? Here is an article with natural ways to lose water weight naturally and safely.

how to get rid of water weight

1. Exercise Regularly

One of the best and most effective ways to reduce water weight in a short period of time is exercise. Any type of exercise leads to an increase in sweat, which in turn helps in losing water.

On average, loss of water during exercise of one hour is approximately between 16-64 ounces per hour. It also depends on different factors like heat and clothing.

 The body shifts a lot of water in the muscles during exercise. This helps in reducing water present outside the cell and helps in reducing the soft look caused due to excessive water retention. Nevertheless, you should drink enough water each day during your training sessions to stay healthy and avoid dehydration.

2. Drink Green Tea

It is an amazing weight loss supplement, popularly used by dieters. Green tea contains caffeine, which is an effective diuretic, which in turn helps you in losing weight easily and effectively. A moderate amount of caffeine can help in dropping excess water weight. In addition to this, green tea is also a rich source of antioxidants, which also contribute to losing weight.

3. Sleep More

According to varied studies, like exercise and diet, sleep is also essential for the body. Sleep affects the sympathetic renal nerves present in the kidney, which are responsible for regulating water and sodium balance. 

Sufficient sleep can help your body to control the levels of hydration and reduce water retention. Try to get an adequate amount of sleep every night to reduce water weight in the long term. 

4. Avoid Stress

Stress for a long time can lead to an increase in the hormone cortisol, which is directly responsible for influencing water weight and fluid retention. 

It occurs due to the reason that stress and cortisol contribute to increasing a hormone that controls the balance of water in the body. This hormone is known as antidiuretic hormone (ADH).

Controlling stress helps in maintaining a normal level of cortisol and ADH, which in turn helps in managing fluid balance. 

5. Opt for Healthy Carbohydrates

Restricting carbohydrate consumption often leads to quick water loss. However, if you reduce car consumption too much, your energy levels will drop. Instead of following a carb-free diet, opt for healthy carbs like fruits and vegetables. In addition to this, avoid refined carbohydrates as they can lead to high water retention.

6. Manage Intake of Salt

Sodium that you attain from salt every day plays a major role in hydration levels. If the levels of sodium in our body are too low or too high, then it might result in imbalances in the body, which in turn might lead to fluid retention. 

High consumption of salts due to a diet containing lots of processed foods contribute to water retention in the body. Therefore, it is better to avoid extreme changes like the elimination of salt or intake of excessive salt.

7. Magnesium Supplements

Magnesium is an essential mineral and electrolyte. Magnesium plays a crucial role in reducing water weight. Magnesium plays a crucial role in balancing water weight in integration with other electrolytes like potassium and sodium. Together, they help in controlling the water balance of the body. 

8. Consume Healthy Foods

Including certain healthy foods in your diet can help you in combating water retention. Foods rich in potassium are highly advisable as potassium helps in balancing the sodium levels and increasing the production of urine, which in turn helps in reducing the excess water.

9. Make Changes to Your Everyday Habits

Making changes in your everyday habits can help in getting rid of the water weight. One of the best changes that you can introduce in your life is decreasing the consumption of excessive salt and processed foods.

You should also avoid sitting for a long period of time as it decreases the blood circulation. Physical activities help in improving blood circulation, and it also helps in sweating out excess water. In addition to this, also limit your alcohol consumption as it can be beneficial for avoiding water retention.

10. Consider Prescribed Water Pill

Prescription water pills are sometimes used by people to get rid of excess water retention. They activate the kidneys to flush out extra amounts of water and salt through urine. Before taking diuretic medications or water pills, it is better to consult a medical practitioner. 


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